Mokkatuvan Ukko ja Akka
Kun istumme yhteisen pöydän ääreen, ei kukaan tunne niissä pidoissa yksin jääneen.
Once upon a time there was a hubby and his wife living in a village called Hollola.
Hence their life was good and filled with love – they desperately longed for something else. The calling was the voice of the arctic hills of Lapland. The hubby and his wife thought, that in Kuru’s lovely paths there would be easier to breath and live, snow would be the whitest ever seen and the autumn colors magnificent. Every time they visited the beautiful hills of Lapland, they felt they were home. Then came a day in their lovely home in Hollola, when they decided to pack the pots and pans and to jump into a new life they once dreamed of. The greatest of the dreams was that the pots and the pans would bubble inside Mokkatupa, that would be in the beautiful Pyhä.
Nowadays the hubby and the wife live their dream and in the beach of Lake Pyhä, we all can enjoy the various selection of Finnish traditional food – together. That was the story of Mokkatupa’s beginning, but what is the secret of the blue pot?
Seuraa Sinistä Pannua!
Ilmoittelemme sosiaalisessa mediassa päiväkohtaisia tärkeitä asioita ja kerromme teille kuulumisia Mokkatuvalta.
In social media we write about daily life in Mokkatupa as well as the latest menus and share the most delicious
tips of seasons treats.